Saturday, March 26, 2011


Beroya Mission Centre Facebook Page
 You may be stronger because of your past; you may be wiser because of your past; But you are not who you were in your past!
Listen, we have a problem sometimes forgetting... It's not really people doing it to us as much as it is us beating ourselves up because of stupid mistakes. We think of the past mistakes, sins, and just plain foolish decisions we made and we cringe sometimes. But we cannot focus on that!!!
God took it away when we asked Him to and He is concerned about where you are going and not where you have been or what you have done.
You cannot find it in the Bible anywhere when God threw someone's past up in their face! Out of all the people He used, He never talked about what they did in their past until they were dead and gone. He spoke about their future and their call. He spoke about their purpose and their faith. But never their sinful past.
Let it go my sister and my brother. No matter how bad it is or was, God gave Jesus so you would be able to let it go.
We minimize the cross by carrying past issues and sins around. We take away from the power of Jesus' blood when we harbor unforgiveness towards ourselves.
Look, after you are forgiven, it's then time to move on. Don't hold on to your past any longer. Allow God to be God and let Him give you a fresh start.
I know it's hard sometimes to forget things because people will try to remind you of it. But the Bible says that we all have sins and come short. What you did has been done before. But if sin could stop the plan of God, then the death of Jesus was a farce!
The bible says that Jesus took the power of death, hell, and the grave when He rose. Hell? That means, that hell has no power over you. That means that your past sins no longer have the power to take you there!
So, if you have power over sin, then sin has no power. Your past can't stop you.
Forget about it! Let it go and move forward in Christ. Your sins are not hidden, but they are buried! Cast into the sea of forgetfulness, never to be remembered by God again. He has wiped them away and will continue to if you continue to move forward. But if you talk about it and worry about it, you give it back it's power and you will begin to suffer for it. Don't give your past energy and power. Don't awaken your past by worries and woes. Let it go and move on.

God has forgiven you, now it's time that YOU let it go.